Slip & Fall Injury Lawyers

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Slip & Fall Injury Lawyers and Compensation

It is a duty of all occupiers to ensure that their premises are as safe as they can reasonably be made and comply with workplace health and safety laws. This particularly applies to premises such as shopping centres, office buildings, hotels, body corporate areas, restaurants, sporting venues, theme parks, government buildings or any areas where pedestrians commonly go.

There are many causes why people of all ages slip and fall including:

  • Uneven sidewalks
  • Wheelchair ramps without handrails
  • Poorly designed wheelchair ramps
  • Unexpected steps
  • Improperly designated or labeled steps
  • Wet or slippery steps
  • Wet or slippery floors
  • Uneven flagstone patios
  • Single or multiple steps without handrails Patios with missing mortar
  • Floor mats not laying flat
  • Uneven elevator to floor ratio
  • Holes in the street
  • Awkwardly placed steps
  • Steps that are difficult to see because they are carpeted the same as surrounding floors

What should I do if I get injured ?

Seek emergency medical attention if needed. Immediately report your injury to the occupier of the land or premises. They may complete an Incident Report Form.

You must then consult with us to complete a Notice of Claim Form in the format prescribed by the Personal Injury Proceedings Act 2002 which governs these types of claims.

Time Limits

You must serve a Notice of Claim Form within nine (9) months from the date of your injury or within 30 days of seeking legal advice.

You must file formal court proceedings no later than 3 years post injury otherwise you will lose your rights to recover compensation.